Vollzugriff & Lernmethoden freischalten

Fawlty Towers | Karte 136729


she has her bed jacket brought and need her telephone book - she is about to undergo an operation because of her ingrowing toe nail - the Germans are arriving tomorrow at lunchtime - before Basil has to do the fire drill and to put the moose s head up - the simple operation will be painful - later in the evening at 6 o clock - meets in the lobby Major Gowen - Polly comes in and is looking for her phrase book - she bothers with the Germans because some of them do not speak English - The Major goes back in the bar - Basil needs a hammer to knock the nail in - Manuel from the kitchen - thinks this out - instead of bringing a hammer sandwich or a hamster - tidy the desk - practises his English and bends - the Major hears Manuel but can only see the moose on the desk - remarkable animal for only 12 pounds - the moose i up - Mr Moose falls off the wall on to Basil s head - the phone rings and Basil rushes to the receiver - falls over Manuel - place a vase of flowers on the desk - what are you striking the place out with these for - being ironed -


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